Our Methods
We are grassroot organization and reach to people with disability, CSOs and DPOs, policy makers, corporates or international agencies through following methods:
Campaign: By raising public awareness of the causes and consequences of poverty, injustice, ill-health, malnutrition, disability etc, we motivate community and social activists to take action for a mitigation of their plight. We encourage peoples’ understanding of policies, programmes and schemes of government and international agencies for fetching optimum benefits of the opportunities.
Advocacy: By putting the true perspective of circumstances, we influence the government policies and resource allocation decisions within social systems and institutions. The CRADLE undertakes research and analysis of issues of community interest; and projects the suggestions through media campaigns, public speaking, polls, amicus brief, lobbying with legislators and bureaucrats.
Sensitisation: : By running sensitisation programme, the policy makers and government functionaries are made aware of their role and responsibilities in growth and development of community and nation. We undertake to bring sensitivity, accountability and transparency in dispensation of their duties, and to facilitate their understanding of ground realities.
Training: To improve the capability, capacity, and performance of community members and social activists, we impart training for acquisition of vocational or practical knowledge and skills and change of attitude. The CRADLE runs courses for skill development, self-employment and poverty alleviation. We also train manpower for social activities through courses, seminars, group discussions and conferences. We also undertake training programmes of donor agencies for skill development for poverty alleviation and combat injustice.
Documentation: The procedure for obtaining information and data about programmes and policies from the government agencies is often complex and circuitous. Nevertheless, it is available however, it remains scattered beyond accessibility and comprehension of common people. We obtain and provide such information and data to the user community and NGO functionaries. We also facilitate them in documentation.
Policy Research: In underdeveloped or developing world, people’s aspirations and opinions are ignored while formulation of policies and programmes for want of logical projection. Policy makers depend on the versions of people’s representatives which are many a times driven by electoral motives. After a thorough research and analysis grass-root situation, community expectation and financial feasibility, we bring the matter to the notice of authorities and suggest them the logical solution.
Resource Mobilisation: NGOs need to mobilize resources in the form of financial donations, materials, and volunteers in order to sustain their projects and programs. This is a complex process, and requires a meticulous planning and rapport. On the other hand, funds remain unutilised with donor agencies and philanthropists for want of suitable NGOs. We cater to the fund-raising activities of NGOs by facilitating them in donors’ identification, proper documentation, approach and connectivity. We also persuade people to donate their time, skill, money and material for specific cause.
Networking:There is no dearth of benevolent intentions for growth, development and social change. Still NGOs and VOs suffer for want of proper sharing of field experiences and skill sharing. We provide a forum where people of diverse group meet for exchanges of ideas, skills, experiences, and data & information, and get benefitted by each other.
Our Matrix

Our driving vision is to have an inclusive world where people with disabilities may be able to live a life of health, comfort, and dignity.